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Forum Home > COLD WAR > The Cold War & Eastern Mysticism (and its Western Off-springs and fringe religions) pt 1

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Eastern mysticism has been a recurring theme in my research. I'm not sure how anyone looking at the Cold War and in particular, the assassinations during that period, can overlook this current. It's impact should be self-evident to anyone who grew up in the 50s and 60s, or is a student of pop culture from theose eras. 

You can pick just about any TV show from the 50s or 60s, be it drama or comedy and you can find at least one episode that will be themed around telepathy, hypnotism/mesmerism, swamis/yoga, or some type of remote mind control. Ditto films in a variety of genres.

Everyone was getting in on the act. Donovan, The Beatles and the Maharishi Yogi...(pre-Sexy Sadie!) the Stones and their flirtation with The Process Church...  Leonard Cohen trying to get "clear" with Scientology.

But such mergers of music and mysticism can hardly be surprising. These musicians were seekers of universal truths and that is what Eastern Mysticism was offering. Nor was it confined to musicians. Writers, artists, political agitators and inventors were also drawn to philosphies and practices which have roots in the East. This includes people such as Arthur Young. 

but there were three more groups attracted to these areas. And all three groups sometimes formed associations ranging from loose to tight.

Grifters... people like David Ferrie, Thomas Beckham and Charlie Manson

Wannabes... like Juan Roa Sierra and Sirhan Sirhan and even Lee Harvy Oswald if we can trust what is written in Marina & Lee

Intelligence agents... like Thomas Dowling (an operative of Oliver North), and agencies themselves which delved into these arcane teachings in order to gain an edge. 

Where all of these aspects collide is in the Albert Schweitzer College... intelligence connections... grifters in the form of one-time Director Hans Casparis and his wife... wannabes like Oswald... and all supported by the International Association for Religious Freedom which advanced the cause of non-mainstream religions and was anti-Catholic. One such non-maintsream religion was Theosophy As shown in other threads, Albert Schweitzer had an interest in theosophy and theosophists supported the college. Theosophy also had an impact in the rise of Nazism, and as shown in Lee Harvey Oswald's Cold War, Vol 2, the US intake officer for the college was very likely related to Hjalmar Schacht and also been involved with a Lutheran Church investigated by the first HUAC for harboring US Nazis working with  German spies. This church in turn was a sister church to one in what is present day, part of Israel, and which was built for the sole purpose of bringing about the apocolypse. 

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 4, 2016 at 5:55 AM Flag Quote & Reply

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Posts: 2049

Part 2

From Dmitri Von Mrhenschildt's obit.

Since the 1950s, von Mohrenschildt had had an interest in the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. Following his retirement from his editorial duties and the Hoover Institution, in 1976 von Mohrenschildt left for India, where he settled in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. There he remained professionally active, finishing and publishing his Toward a United States of Russia: Plans and Projects of Federal Reconstruction of Russia in the Nineteenth Century in 1981. In addition, he worked on his autobiography, which covered his early years in Russia, studies at Yale, and the founding of The Russian Review. But most of his time and efforts were directed toward translating the writings of Sri Aurobindo into Russian and their dissemination in the former Soviet Union. The correspondence in his archival collection reflects his influence in this direction.

From Sri Aurobindo's Radical Social Vision: the Possibility of Telepathic Utopia


Following an ancient tradition,

Aurobindo spoke of eight siddhis: two of knowledge, prakamya and

vyapti; three of power, aishwarya, ishita, and vashita; and three of

the body, mahima, laghima, and anima. The siddhis of knowledge

constitute what is known in the West as telepathy. The siddhis of

power are applications of will by which one mind can influence

another. The siddhis of the body overlap with the next chatusthaya,

the quaternary of the body (Heehs, 2008, 240).

Traditionally it is thought that with

enough concentration and practice, one could develop and perfect the

use of these types of powers. Certainly Aurobindo took these ideas

seriously in his own practice. Aurobindo even documented the progress

of his meditative and vigilant spiritual practice in the “Record of

Yoga,” a journal which he kept. Heehs writes of Aurobindo's partial

mastery of these powers, “By 1911 he was able to report that he

could 'put himself into men and change them,' that he 'had been given

the power to read men's characters and hearts, even their thoughts'

(here he added: 'but this power is not yet absolutely complete'),

that he could guide action 'by the mere exercise of will,' and that

he was 'in communication with the other world' (adding that this was

'yet of a troubled character')” (Heehs, 2008, 242). There are

several stories of Aurobindo's attempts to directly influence reality

through the force of his psychic will, and even encouraging other

people to do this as well (5). Yet Aurobindo's attempts were not

entirely successful; for the most part he was only partially

successful in these types of experiments. However, in the context of

understanding these siddhi powers and how Aurobindo conceived them,

we may better understand Aurobindo's “ideal of human unity” and

how he might have pictured the future development of humanity in the

areas of politics, religion, society, and the spiritual


So Von M was a follower of a person who believed that people and actions can be influenced remotely. I am not advocating this, but it is important to understand that the a lot of people did, and still do believe such things are possible And as already noted, various governments, not least being the US, did put money and time into exploring such possibilities. 

So here we come back to the Oxnard caller who others have erroneously claimed was frantically trying to warn someone of the pending assassination. No, she was not! She was trying to remotely affect the outcome and ensure it's success, 

Her assertions that their would be a new type of government and her chanting the names of every court are further clues... because swamis and gurus and cult leaders all wanted to usher in a new age with new systems, and the doing away with the courts would certainly fit in with Sri Auribino's advocacy of total freedom.

And then we also have L Robert Castorr writing the  foreword for Memoirs of a Psychic Spy: The Remarkable Life of U.S. Government Remote Viewer 001

In 1963, Castorr was with Edwin Walker helping to stir up ill-will among the Cubans against the Kennedys.

He was also the un-named colonel who had been having talks with Ruby and the Perrins aboit gun-running the previous year. A few years later again, he was involved in the arms for hostages drama...


They told Castorr the company was going to acquire turbines and electrical machinery for overseas clients. But Castorr soon realized Impex Aalamin was a front company. He recalled visiting Moallem's office in London, where he met several people with ties to the spy community.

"One was from Scotland Yard, one was from military intelligence, and another was a brother of the military attache in the Iranian Embassy in London," Castorr testified at Sensi's trial.

He visited Moellem's office in London... but like Puss N Boots, he also visited the queen while he was in town...

You can't make this stuff up, but nor is it easy to deal with, process or place into any sort of context. It is what it is and does have to be dealt with. 

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 4, 2016 at 7:10 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 533

The Beatles broke up with Maharishi because Maharashi requested a share of their income from the music business.George Harrison later joined the Hare Krishna movement.

June 4, 2016 at 10:09 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143

I find this subject endlessly fascinating - probably because of my family's history with such things.

Dad was a psych major at Univ of Texas until he realized everyone in the program was enrolled to find out why they were crazy (even the professor, and he had not figured himself out yet). Dad switched his major to chemistry but continued the search elsewhere.

By the time I was old enough to know anything (c.1955) Dad was into the Self-Realization Fellowship and the Rosicrusians. Shortly thereafter, it was Psycho-Cybernetics and Scientology, NICAP & American Institute of Parapsychology.

Ashton Grey (a poster at the Ed Forum) had a link to a book he was writing about Scientology and their involvement in intelligence activities; remote viewing, out-of-body travel, and, yeah, the stuff of the movie "The Men Who Stared at Goats". His stuff was fascinating to me becuase most of the stuff he wrote about, I knew about, although from another angle.

I think the CIA was into remote viewing even before Scientology came on the scene and I have wondered if perhaps Hubbard - an early practitioner of magic with OTO and Jack Parsons (early head of the rocket program) - might not have been doing this to help the OSS along. His days with the Explorers Club making inroads into Central and South America seem to parallel the strands of American intelligence in those places.

It seems the worlds of intelligence and the paranormal are intrinsically and intricately linked.

Looking deeper into that realm will probably be most fruitful. And perhaps help in understanding the JFK event.


"If God had intended for Man to do anything but copulate, He would have given us brains." - - - Ignatz Verbotham



June 4, 2016 at 6:19 PM Flag Quote & Reply

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Posts: 2049

Terry Martin at June 4, 2016 at 6:19 PM

I find this subject endlessly fascinating - probably because of my family's history with such things.

Dad was a psych major at Univ of Texas until he realized everyone in the program was enrolled to find out why they were crazy (even the professor, and he had not figured himself out yet). Dad switched his major to chemistry but continued the search elsewhere.

By the time I was old enough to know anything (c.1955) Dad was into the Self-Realization Fellowship and the Rosicrusians. Shortly thereafter, it was Psycho-Cybernetics and Scientology, NICAP & American Institute of Parapsychology.

Ashton Grey (a poster at the Ed Forum) had a link to a book he was writing about Scientology and their involvement in intelligence activities; remote viewing, out-of-body travel, and, yeah, the stuff of the movie "The Men Who Stared at Goats". His stuff was fascinating to me becuase most of the stuff he wrote about, I knew about, although from another angle.

I think the CIA was into remote viewing even before Scientology came on the scene and I have wondered if perhaps Hubbard - an early practitioner of magic with OTO and Jack Parsons (early head of the rocket program) - might not have been doing this to help the OSS along. His days with the Explorers Club making inroads into Central and South America seem to parallel the strands of American intelligence in those places.

It seems the worlds of intelligence and the paranormal are intrinsically and intricately linked.

Looking deeper into that realm will probably be most fruitful. And perhaps help in understanding the JFK event.

Thanks for that insight, Terry. Your own experience backs up what I'm saying - back then, the occult and alternative religions were huge and almost semi-acceptable and certainly trendy - made so by all the pop culture references. It didn't start to turn against them until movies like The Exorcist came out. 

I think I know who the Oxnard caller was, btw (a local Dallasite - an occultist - who was a regular visitor to California) and she ties in well with what is already on the table: a rock solid connection between the occult/cultists and the more mainstream bad guys we all know and love.  

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 4, 2016 at 9:19 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Stan Dane
Posts: 1239

I think I know who the Oxnard caller was, btw (a local Dallasite - an occultist - who was a regular visitor to California) and she ties in well with what is already on the table: a rock solid connection between the occult/cultists and the more mainstream bad guys we all know and love.

Volume 3 stuff?


June 4, 2016 at 9:38 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

Rock solid and down to earth, this seems like the most rational of explanations that anyone could come up with for the Oxnard call. Foreknowledge combined with ritual. It's really the only thing that makes any sense at all, and is a brilliant explanation.

As such, it's indicative of conspiricy of course.

June 4, 2016 at 10:00 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143

Stan Dane at June 4, 2016 at 9:38 PM

I think I know who the Oxnard caller was, btw (a local Dallasite - an occultist - who was a regular visitor to California) and she ties in well with what is already on the table: a rock solid connection between the occult/cultists and the more mainstream bad guys we all know and love.

Volume 3 stuff?


The famous volume three we are still patiently waiting for.

I recall reading about Ingo Swann being intimately involved with the CIA remote viewing program. He was - for a time - connected with the Church of Scientology in California while I was there. He frequently lectured on the extra-sensory abilities to be gained with advanced Scientology training.

There were other intelligence connections I vaguely recall including a third cousin named Ernie Martin who was with military intelligence while I was with the Founding Church of Scientology in DC. And while Dad worked for NASA, we had contact with people from Langley quite a bit as well.

Strange times.

Hopefully, it will all be made clear when volume three comes out.

(and hopefully we will not have a cliff-hanger waiting for a volume four)  :)

June 4, 2016 at 10:22 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

They thought she was reading from something because she was whispering so rapidly... they were also certain she was not talking to another party... 

Imo, she was reciting some type of invocation and the telephone was no more than an instrument - a prop no different to the hat of a magician or the crystal ball of a soothesayer,

Other comments lead me to believe she had plced the phone on a table so that she was hands free - needed to maintain radio contact with thse on the ground in Dallas.

Volume 3 has been in limbo all year. Have several personal issues to deal with. I can see some light at the end of the tunnel on those though and hope I can get back to it soon.  Am feeling more possitive than I have been for many months...

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 4, 2016 at 10:47 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

"Imo, she was reciting some type of invocation and the telephone was no more than an instrument - a prop no different to the hat of a magician or the crystal ball of a soothesayer,"

The thought that occurred to me, although I know nothing of the details of the occult beliefs you are referring to, was that perhaps she believed that to make the mojo work there had to be a person, perhaps at a remote location, hearing the incantations. So maybe she just used the operators as live listeners who likely would not hang up on her like a random person receiving a crank phone call would do.

June 4, 2016 at 11:22 PM Flag Quote & Reply

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Posts: 2049

Jake at June 4, 2016 at 11:22 PM

"Imo, she was reciting some type of invocation and the telephone was no more than an instrument - a prop no different to the hat of a magician or the crystal ball of a soothesayer,"

The thought that occurred to me, although I know nothing of the details of the occult beliefs you are referring to, was that perhaps she believed that to make the mojo work there had to be a person, perhaps at a remote location, hearing the incantations. So maybe she just used the operators as live listeners who likely would not hang up on her like a random person receiving a crank phone call would do.

That's possible, Jake. Who knows? They did say that she stopped her recitation when they asked if they could help and she stated in a normal clear voice that nope, she was okay and then immediately resumed her recitations.

This call really should get more attention that it does.  

Yet the facts are that this call was reported, not years, months, weeks, or even days after the event. It was reported IMMEDIAYELY after the assassination. And what you have to report is that the woman predicted JFK would be killed at 10:10 local Oxnard time and the very minute that time passed without incident, she seemed to know it never happened and updated ther prediction to 10:30 her time, and bingo -- this time spot on!

That surely proves she was in contact with Dallas and was privvy to the plot. Nail her identity and you should be able to trace some of those involved through association with her.

Instead for 50+ years we've had her dismissed as a nutjob or as an hysterical Karyn Kupcinik Crap. Utter crap.  

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 5, 2016 at 12:58 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Paul Francisco Paso
Posts: 729

Greg at June 5, 2016 at 12:58 AM

Jake at June 4, 2016 at 11:22 PM

"Imo, she was reciting some type of invocation and the telephone was no more than an instrument - a prop no different to the hat of a magician or the crystal ball of a soothesayer,"

The thought that occurred to me, although I know nothing of the details of the occult beliefs you are referring to, was that perhaps she believed that to make the mojo work there had to be a person, perhaps at a remote location, hearing the incantations. So maybe she just used the operators as live listeners who likely would not hang up on her like a random person receiving a crank phone call would do.

That's possible, Jake. Who knows? They did say that she stopped her recitation when they asked if they could help and she stated in a normal clear voice that nope, she was okay and then immediately resumed her recitations.

This call really should get more attention that it does.  

Yet the facts are that this call was reported, not years, months, weeks, or even days after the event. It was reported IMMEDIAYELY after the assassination. And what you have to report is that the woman predicted JFK would be killed at 10:10 local Oxnard time and the very minute that time passed without incident, she seemed to know it never happened and updated ther prediction to 10:30 her time, and bingo -- this time spot on!

That surely proves she was in contact with Dallas and was privvy to the plot. Nail her identity and you should be able to trace some of those involved through association with her.

Instead for 50+ years we've had her dismissed as a nutjob or as an hysterical Karyn Kupcinik Crap. Utter crap.  

I wonder if she wanted to be traced. I can't see why else she would call. And if they have the times she called why couldn't the phone company track back the number?
June 5, 2016 at 1:17 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

I dubt she wanted to be traced, mate. And they couldn't trace her because it was a party line. All they could do was narrow it down as having come from somewhere withi the Oxnard/Camerillo area. Within that area, you had a secretive military installation, a huge mental Hospital (the infamous "Hotel Califormia" no less from which you could never leave) and a smattering of of occult temples and halls.

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 5, 2016 at 1:48 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Hasan Yusuf
Posts: 1411

This call really should get more attention that it does.

I wholeheartedly agree with Greg. There is good reason to believe that there was in fact an aborted assassination plot at 12:10 pm; something which I believe (as I discuss in my essay "Who was behind the assassination? - Part 2") Bernard Weissman was aware of. 

June 5, 2016 at 2:10 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Hasan Yusuf
Posts: 1411

This call really should get more attention that it does.

I wholeheartedly agree with Greg. There is good reason to believe that there was in fact an aborted assassination plot at 12:10 pm; something which I believe (as I discuss in my essay "Who was behind the assassination? - Part 2") Bernard Weissman was aware of. 

June 5, 2016 at 2:16 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Paul Francisco Paso
Posts: 729

Greg at June 5, 2016 at 1:48 AM

I dubt she wanted to be traced, mate. And they couldn't trace her because it was a party line. All they could do was narrow it down as having come from somewhere withi the Oxnard/Camerillo area. Within that area, you had a secretive military installation, a huge mental Hospital (the infamous "Hotel Califormia" no less from which you could never leave) and a smattering of of occult temples and halls.

This reminds me of the Rose Cheramie forecast but more immediate and specific with the timing. It's fucking weird to say the least. Not so much for the information it provides but for whatever purposes it wanted to serve. Was it a message designed to warn or just a blurt out of the plan for no apparent reason?
June 5, 2016 at 2:56 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

Paul Francisco Paso at June 5, 2016 at 2:56 AM

Greg at June 5, 2016 at 1:48 AM

I dubt she wanted to be traced, mate. And they couldn't trace her because it was a party line. All they could do was narrow it down as having come from somewhere withi the Oxnard/Camerillo area. Within that area, you had a secretive military installation, a huge mental Hospital (the infamous "Hotel Califormia" no less from which you could never leave) and a smattering of of occult temples and halls.

This reminds me of the Rose Cheramie forecast but more immediate and specific with the timing. It's fucking weird to say the least. Not so much for the information it provides but for whatever purposes it wanted to serve. Was it a message designed to warn or just a blurt out of the plan for no apparent reason?

Mate, imo, neither of those. She was using occult practices to remotely influence the outcome as a positive one for the plotters.

As posted above, Aurobindo allegedly attempted to directly influence reality through the force of his psychic will.

Members of AMORC and simlar cults use what is called a radionics box for the same purpose.

In this instance, I contacted someone into all this stuff and gave him the details of the call minus any info which might suggest what it is about (ie the Kennedy assassination)

Here is the gist of what he said, and offers yet another possibility  - that she was using magick ala Crowley...

Expert Opinion

As research leads into areas of little personal knowledge, it is often wise to seek expert opinion as a guide to whether you are "on the right track". This is one of those areas, and as such I contacted Ellis Peterson, a retired maths professor and electrical engineer who writes on such esoteric practices as radionics under the pen-name, Ragnar Storyteller. I wrote to Ellis giving an outline of what I was looking into (but careful not to include anything about the assassination prediction lest it color his reply) and asking his opinion on what was happening. His reply in part was that “she was performing some kind of mental radionics magic; the phone numbers were her way of making the connection. Fire and windows were probably part of her personal incantations."

Again - it doesn't matter if the person is using a radionics box or a mechanics tool box -- these things are just props to help keep focus. In her case, she used a phone and part of her personal ritual seems to have been dialing sets of numbers. There is indeed a big maths component to some of these rituals.

radionics box on the right, Ursula on the left.

Rose Cheramie is a different kettle of fish. Ms Oxnard was not off her tree (as Cheramie undoubtedly was) and demonstrated she had to have been in direct real time contact with plotters on the ground in Dealey Plaza. Cheramie at best had limited inside information depending on who you believe as to what she said and when she said it, Unfortunately her story is so blurred and overlayed with personal agendas of those telling it, that her utulity in this case starts and stops with giving Stone a wizz bang opening sequence to his movie. Ms Oxnard suffers from none of those issues. The issue with her is that no one has pegged her reality until now. And her reality is there to see in the douments if you open your mind to it and ignore 52 years of bullshit,,,the same bullshit that stinks up other parts of the case,

The movie we could produce with the money stone's movie cost...just some random ideas... replace Cheramie with the Oxnard caller (bearing in mind I'm pretty sure I know who she is and how she fits into the bigger picture)... show Ferrie recruiting for the CAP antisubservive squad... and Lee into that squad....of course PM (or else risk disappointing all the guys and gals JFKFacts)... the utter fraud of the  2nd floor encounter... follow the separate threads on Herbert Lee... James Markham...William Lowery... the Paines as they REALLY are... the Randles as there REALLY were...  the fraud of the bus/taxi rides as exposed by Lee and Ed... throw in all the work done on Hill and other cops by Hasan and Lee... show the facts of the interrogations... 

Fuck. Not being Oliver Stone sucks.

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 5, 2016 at 7:16 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143


Sorry to hear about the holdup on Volume Three. I wish there was something we could do to help.

June 5, 2016 at 8:32 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

Yes Greg, I agree with Terry and hope that whatever the impediment, it resoves in a satisfactory way.

June 5, 2016 at 8:59 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

Terry Martin at June 5, 2016 at 8:32 AM


Sorry to hear about the holdup on Volume Three. I wish there was something we could do to help.

Terry, all of you here have been the absolute best.

It's been a mongrel year for me, but the tide is turning and am hopeful of having the time and head space to dive back in. In fact, I'm looking forward to it now after not being able to face it for the past  6 months,

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 5, 2016 at 9:01 AM Flag Quote & Reply

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