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Forum Home > COLD WAR > The Cold War & Eastern Mysticism (and its Western Off-springs and fringe religions) pt 1

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143

The radionics thingy reminded me of a "Heironymous machine" my brother showed me years ago. It was nothing more than a diagram drawn on a sheet of paper and was used to control insect pests for a field of crops. It sounds flaky but the device was actually patented in 1946 by Thomas Galen Heironymous.

A quick Google search for "heironymous device" will bring up a large number of articles about psionics and radionics.

Interesting is the time frame he was working on this stuff (1940-1970). And apparently the concept of using the drawing of the schematic was from John Campbell, editor of Analog sci-fi magazine.

Science, of course, marginalizes all his work as quackery or pseudo-science.

I would imagine certain intelligence organizations looked at it a bit differently.

June 5, 2016 at 9:10 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

A few further thoughts on the matter:

Greg mentions above the difficulty of tracing a party line and the likelihood that she was operating hands free, which suggests that a second line of communication was being manipulated by her free hands. A radio is one possiblility. A second phone line would be a second possibility. Most households back then would not have a second line in the common way that they can be found in homes today, but a second (or third or fourth) was a common business, or organizational, practice at the time, so some form of covert activity operating out of a home could easily have a second line, or she could have been in one of the other types of locations that would have several lines.

So stipulating an occult context for this, the larger question becomes how so? It is doubtful that all involved in the conspiricy would share those occult beliefs, so Greg's idea that it was some major player's wife makes perfect sense (I think of Nancy Reagan and her astrological beliefs).  For the more down to earth plotters, entertaining this operational appendige could only represent a liability. Why let someone spout off on the phone about it as it's happening? Dumber than dumb. So to me this narrows it down to covert activity within covert activity. She must have had a believer accomplice at the other end who was in a position to monitor the activity and relay the info, but that remained unknown to the rest of the players.

Maybe this is all too obvious, but typing it up helps to sort out thoughts.

June 5, 2016 at 9:25 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

Terry Martin at June 5, 2016 at 9:10 AM

The radionics thingy reminded me of a "Heironymous machine" my brother showed me years ago. It was nothing more than a diagram drawn on a sheet of paper and was used to control insect pests for a field of crops. It sounds flaky but the device was actually patented in 1946 by Thomas Galen Heironymous.

A quick Google search for "heironymous device" will bring up a large number of articles about psionics and radionics.

Interesting is the time frame he was working on this stuff (1940-1970). And apparently the concept of using the drawing of the schematic was from John Campbell, editor of Analog sci-fi magazine.

Science, of course, marginalizes all his work as quackery or pseudo-science.

I would imagine certain intelligence organizations looked at it a bit differently.

That fits with what I've read, Terry. Someone somewhere along the line worked out that a diagram of a radionics box would work just as good as an actual one. As I said -- nothing but props.

a ouija board works just as well with the lights on and no candles. in fact, you can just write all the letters on a scrap of paper and it will work...the spirits really aren't that finnicky :) (All kidding aside, I had some bad experiences as a teen with this stuff.... now whether we are talking about spirits or something else that can be explained through known sciences, I don't know. I do know what happened scared the shit out of me.... and I promise, I don't scare easily and never have)

Arthur Young did some experiments with radionics

Arthur gave me a typewritten manuscript, prepared some years earlier, and asked me to retype it with minor edits. I was astonished at the contents-an account of the adventures of Arthur and Ruth Young during what he called their "Gee Whiz!" years, when they investigated unusual phenomena such as radionics, séances, psychokinesis, ESP, and dream telepathy. It was love at first sight. I felt the limits of my credulity being stretched, my imagination exercised.

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 5, 2016 at 9:34 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143

Fascinating! The Arthur Young story parallels in many respects the Parsons and Hubbard story with the OTO. Since we know of the connections Young/Forbes/Paine has with the intelligence community, I am certain the other must have uurevelaed connections of the same sort.

Young's notion of the helicopter being a failed "psychopter" (the winged self) is similar to a science fiction novel I have published, but without the sinister overtones. How many of these metaphysicians were working in concert, I wonder. And did they know their work and ideas were being pre-empted into another more secualr use?

But I suppose all those questions are for another day.

June 5, 2016 at 9:52 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

I wonder if there are records of all calls between Dallas and Oxnard for the time period. Probably not that many if they exist.

Of course it could have been a dedicated contract line with no call records. Probably the case if a phone line was used.

June 5, 2016 at 10:40 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

The information source could have been done in a number of dfferent ways: a person on the phone speaking about what they saw and heard was happening; a radio broadcasting the events while sitting on a table by a telephone receiver picking up the sound; a phone line from inside the radio station picking up the programming feed (this could actually have been implimented even without an assassination plot as part of normal security activitiies surrounding a presidential visit and done for purposes of the remote monitoring of events).

Another possible: the person was in Dallas (in the TSBD even) and the call was patched through Oxnard for whatever reason.

June 5, 2016 at 11:02 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143

Or it could have been that the woman was, in fact, a psychic who knew the 12:10 attack did not occur.

Anything is possible in the world of spooks.

June 5, 2016 at 11:22 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 402

Terry, this is also an open possibility. My reservation about it is that I have never heard of another example of that kind of real time accuracy coming from a psychic, but then again, that might be a capability that is kept under wraps. Also of course, just because I haven't heard about it doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

June 5, 2016 at 11:36 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143

Jake, most well known psychics and prophets (like the ridiculous Ruth Montgomery) had better public relations teams than any real psychic abilities.Unfortunately, the people who were really good at this were classified rather than publicized.

The movie "The Men Who Stare at Goats" was based on a real program the CIA (and others) were doing to train and utilize psychics. Some of the people they used were close to 100% in their abilities. Maybe they had some that were 100% all the time, I don't know. Remote viewing had been perfected in some of the subjects and one might have been involved in this incident.

There has been a lot of material written on the subject so I would find it easy to believe there was remote viewing going on.

June 5, 2016 at 12:04 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Paul Francisco Paso
Posts: 729

Greg at June 5, 2016 at 7:16 AM

Paul Francisco Paso at June 5, 2016 at 2:56 AM

Greg at June 5, 2016 at 1:48 AM

I dubt she wanted to be traced, mate. And they couldn't trace her because it was a party line. All they could do was narrow it down as having come from somewhere withi the Oxnard/Camerillo area. Within that area, you had a secretive military installation, a huge mental Hospital (the infamous "Hotel Califormia" no less from which you could never leave) and a smattering of of occult temples and halls.

This reminds me of the Rose Cheramie forecast but more immediate and specific with the timing. It's fucking weird to say the least. Not so much for the information it provides but for whatever purposes it wanted to serve. Was it a message designed to warn or just a blurt out of the plan for no apparent reason?

Mate, imo, neither of those. She was using occult practices to remotely influence the outcome as a positive one for the plotters.

As posted above, Aurobindo allegedly attempted to directly influence reality through the force of his psychic will.

Members of AMORC and simlar cults use what is called a radionics box for the same purpose.

In this instance, I contacted someone into all this stuff and gave him the details of the call minus any info which might suggest what it is about (ie the Kennedy assassination)

Here is the gist of what he said, and offers yet another possibility  - that she was using magick ala Crowley...

Expert Opinion

As research leads into areas of little personal knowledge, it is often wise to seek expert opinion as a guide to whether you are "on the right track". This is one of those areas, and as such I contacted Ellis Peterson, a retired maths professor and electrical engineer who writes on such esoteric practices as radionics under the pen-name, Ragnar Storyteller. I wrote to Ellis giving an outline of what I was looking into (but careful not to include anything about the assassination prediction lest it color his reply) and asking his opinion on what was happening. His reply in part was that “she was performing some kind of mental radionics magic; the phone numbers were her way of making the connection. Fire and windows were probably part of her personal incantations."

Again - it doesn't matter if the person is using a radionics box or a mechanics tool box -- these things are just props to help keep focus. In her case, she used a phone and part of her personal ritual seems to have been dialing sets of numbers. There is indeed a big maths component to some of these rituals.

radionics box on the right, Ursula on the left.

Rose Cheramie is a different kettle of fish. Ms Oxnard was not off her tree (as Cheramie undoubtedly was) and demonstrated she had to have been in direct real time contact with plotters on the ground in Dealey Plaza. Cheramie at best had limited inside information depending on who you believe as to what she said and when she said it, Unfortunately her story is so blurred and overlayed with personal agendas of those telling it, that her utulity in this case starts and stops with giving Stone a wizz bang opening sequence to his movie. Ms Oxnard suffers from none of those issues. The issue with her is that no one has pegged her reality until now. And her reality is there to see in the douments if you open your mind to it and ignore 52 years of bullshit,,,the same bullshit that stinks up other parts of the case,

The movie we could produce with the money stone's movie cost...just some random ideas... replace Cheramie with the Oxnard caller (bearing in mind I'm pretty sure I know who she is and how she fits into the bigger picture)... show Ferrie recruiting for the CAP antisubservive squad... and Lee into that squad....of course PM (or else risk disappointing all the guys and gals JFKFacts)... the utter fraud of the  2nd floor encounter... follow the separate threads on Herbert Lee... James Markham...William Lowery... the Paines as they REALLY are... the Randles as there REALLY were...  the fraud of the bus/taxi rides as exposed by Lee and Ed... throw in all the work done on Hill and other cops by Hasan and Lee... show the facts of the interrogations... 

Fuck. Not being Oliver Stone sucks.

I wouldn't get Stone to direct it, bro. His 9/11 film sucked big balls. I wouldn't want to be him nowadays. Plenty of better film makers out there.
June 5, 2016 at 5:41 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Stan Dane
Posts: 1239

"I wouldn't get Stone to direct it, bro. His 9/11 film sucked big balls. I wouldn't want to be him nowadays. Plenty of better film makers out there."

Talking about films and film makers got me to thinking…


Errol Morris directed The Thin Blue Line. According to Wikipedia, Morris became interested in Dr. James Grigson a psychiatrist in Dallas, because under Texas law, the death penalty can only be issued if the jury is convinced that the defendant is not only guilty, but will also commit further violent crimes in the future if he is not put to death. Grigson (aka "Dr. Death") spent years testifying for the State in capital cases, and he pretty much gave the same testimony each time, often saying that it was 100% certain that the defendant would kill again. Through Grigson, Morris met meet Randall Dale Adams.


Morris began researching the case because it related to Grigson. At first he was unconvinced of Adams's innocence, but after reading the transcripts of the trial and meeting the real killer David Harris at a bar, Morris was no longer so sure. Back then, Morris was working as a private investigator for a private detective agency that specialized in Wall Street cases. Bringing together his talents as an investigator and his obsessions with murder, narration, and epistemology, Morris went to work on the case in earnest and the result was The Thin Blue Line, which was accepted as the main force behind getting its Adams out of prison.


Morris said:

The Thin Blue Line is two movies grafted together. On one simple level is the question, Did he do it, or didn’t he? And on another level, The Thin Blue Line, properly considered, is an essay on false history. A whole group of people, literally everyone, believed a version of the world that was entirely wrong, and my accidental investigation of the story provided a different version of what happened.


Maybe the way to get a person like Morris (who clearly has a questioning attitude) interested in this case would be to have him read the transcripts, reports, and news accounts for himself, unfiltered, so he can see for himself the obvious irregularities, omissions, blunders, and the many similarities of how the Kennedy case was like Adams' case: making things fit a pre-determined conclusion, resulting in false history.


Because the Warren Commission version of things is just that – false history.



June 5, 2016 at 6:43 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Terry Martin
Posts: 1143

"Because the Warren Commission version of things is just that –"

Yeah, and we could call it "The Big Fat Unmistakable Blue Line".

June 5, 2016 at 6:48 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Stan Dane
Posts: 1239

Terry Martin at June 5, 2016 at 6:48 PM

"Because the Warren Commission version of things is just that –"

Yeah, and we could call it "The Big Fat Unmistakable Blue Line".

June 5, 2016 at 7:24 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

It wouldn't hurt to try, Stan.

Is there a lesson to be learned? Yes, to never give up trying to uncover the truth. Despite all the difficulties, what happened in Dallas happened in one way rather than another. It may have been hopelessly obscured, but it was not obliterated. Tink still believes in answers, and in this instance, an answer. He is completing a sequel to “Six Seconds” called “Last Second in Dallas.” Like its predecessor, this book is clearly reasoned and convincing. Of course, there will be people who will be unmoved by his or any other account. This is a dogfight with too many dogs in the fight. Most people have already staked out their commitment. Errol Morris;

By what he says, our approach woud appeal. The evidence would appeal. And if anyone understands the dogfight nvolved, it's us...

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 6, 2016 at 1:02 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Paul Francisco Paso
Posts: 729
At the end of the day Stones JFK (one of my all time favourite films) posed more questions than it asked. It was more entertainment than factual and that was its purpose. I can't help but think that despite putting the subject on the map it has also set back research efforts. Guys like McAdams , Dreitzes and Von Pein have been given a stance to peddle their stuff because of the films inaccuracies. Someone like Morris as Stan suggests maybe better suited to advance this case. He doesn't care about the box office and and sensationalism and is more concerned with unraveling a subject. As he did with McNamara in Fog of War.
June 6, 2016 at 3:08 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Stan Dane
Posts: 1239

Greg at June 6, 2016 at 1:02 AM

It wouldn't hurt to try, Stan.

Is there a lesson to be learned? Yes, to never give up trying to uncover the truth. Despite all the difficulties, what happened in Dallas happened in one way rather than another. It may have been hopelessly obscured, but it was not obliterated. Tink still believes in answers, and in this instance, an answer. He is completing a sequel to “Six Seconds” called “Last Second in Dallas.” Like its predecessor, this book is clearly reasoned and convincing. Of course, there will be people who will be unmoved by his or any other account. This is a dogfight with too many dogs in the fight. Most people have already staked out their commitment. Errol Morris;

By what he says, our approach woud appeal. The evidence would appeal. And if anyone understands the dogfight nvolved, it's us...

If Morris likes "clearly reasoned and convincing" accounts, he'd love the Prayer Man evidence. I'll send him a copy of the book if he's ever interested.


In the meantime, we'll "never give up trying to uncover the truth."


June 6, 2016 at 3:15 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Site Owner
Posts: 2049

Is there some way to contact him?

I'm just one of the Dregs of Society from South Bunyip Valley Heights 

In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once

inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their

address they eventually live in the metropolis. Quentin Crisp

They put Johnny and Bobby in the ground 

Then the place was run by shucks and clowns

Motherfuckers are still thick on the ground 

Coz there’s a new God – There’s a new God in town.

Steve Schwartz & the Strap-Ons

June 6, 2016 at 8:41 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 533

Speaking of Paranormal stuff in the JFK case,one good example is the ghost of Albert Doyle posting on forums in the afterlife.


Out with Bill Shelley in front.

June 10, 2016 at 10:07 AM Flag Quote & Reply

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